Monday, February 10, 2020

Management Principle of Nike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Management Principle of Nike - Essay Example This essay is aimed to help the redaer to understand how a strategic objective could be attained through change in collective and individual behaviour of the employees of Nike. The researcher discusses and analyzes two cases, that are involving Nike company. In the first, we will know how the company should design its travel policy based on the existing policy and the feedback coming from the senior managers. The second one will discuss the pay and reward system of Nike to determine whether there is basis to adapt Nike’s approaches as prescribed in the case facts? In both cases, the approach is to answer the guide questions that were made part of part of case facts. The researcher states that the designs must understand human nature; in this case, the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of their employees as far as company-designed programs are concerned. Nike must involve them if possible. For managers, they are supposed to know more than the ordinary employees do and they m ust take the brunt for knowing and applying the necessary management principle in Nike. The researcher also presents the strong relationship of the analysis and the recommendation that he gives. Managers are said to be leaders and leaders are good followers first. It is also concluded that managers of Nike company must follow policies but before it could so, they must make those policies in travel, pay and reward systems clear by communicating through proper channels in the most effective and professional manner.

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