Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bp Oil Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico - 1412 Words

On April 22 2010, the World faced one of its worst oil spill disasters in the history of marine petroleum exploration. A deadly oil well blowout at Macondo Prospect, about 41 miles off the southeast coast of Louisiana, spewed huge quantities of oil for 87 long days causing major environmental and economic troubles to the Gulf region (Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill). It started with a fire and explosion, killing 11 workers, and then unleashed a slow motion disaster that spread across the 600 mile gulf coastline. The massive oil spill disrupted lives and livelihoods, and swallowed up the habitat of many species, leaving their fate to the toxic mix (â€Å"Political and environmental Dilemma†). The chain of events started with an accident on board†¦show more content†¦According to a report published by US Fish Wild Life on January 25, 2011, local authorities collected 6,124 dead birds and 100 sea turtles (â€Å"Wildlife Collection Report†). Wildlife Report Experts contend that it will take several years to fully assess the environmental and ecological impact of the spill. The extent of environmental damage is directly proportional to the amount of oil spilled and the area it covers. Although both BP and government officials initially downplayed the importance of estimating the extent of the spill, industry and environmental experts said accurate estimates were key to planning and assessing remediation efforts. The final estimate of the oil spill now stands at 4.9 million barrels, the volume that far surpassed many previous spills on American soil. A previous accident caused by the collision of the Exxon Valdez oil tanker in Alaska spilled about 760 thousand barrels, slicking 11,000 square miles of ocean surface and 1,300 miles of pristine Alaskan coastline, and killing hundreds of thousands of birds and marine mammals and untold numbers of fish and fish eggs (Gauging the Long-Term Impacts†). As a result of the BP Oil spill, the US government imposed a temporary moratorium on off shore drilling. A great amount of work was done by the government and BP Management to clean up the oil slick across the shore of the Gulf of Mexico. BP committed 20 billion dollars for oil-spill victims overShow MoreRelatedThe Legal Issues and Ethical Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and British Petroleum Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico 20101542 Words   |  7 PagesBP Gulf Oil Spill 1 Running Head: BP GULF OIL SPILL The Legal Issues and Ethical Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and British Petroleum Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico 2010 Terry D. 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