Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Role Of Socialization And Its Effects On Society

Societies are glued together by people sharing core values and beliefs and behavioural patterns. Without some form of agreement between one another in society there would be social chaos. For example if someone was to come up to you in the street and kiss you, you would be shocked and maybe scared. This is why society needs people to behave predictably so that we can contain some kind of social order. Socialisation is the passing on of culture from person to person. It is a process in which people turn into members of a social culture by teaching them norms and values and language, knowledge and customs. There are two agents of socialisation, Primary socialisation is where your parents teach you the norms and values you need to live in a†¦show more content†¦Peer groups, are of very similar social status and socialises individuals into deviance or conforming. Different youth subcultures sometimes encourage deviant behaviour upon other individuals. Religion also conforms peop le to society as they oppose to theft and murder and teaches respect to their elders and also follows the ruling class system as you listen to those with a higher status than you. Mass media, this is a really powerful social agent as it is powerful in shaping norms and values, some sociologists believe that mass media has over taken religion in being the main secondary socialisation agent due to its powerful abilities to change people s views on things such as weight and the way women are portrayed. After all this socialisation we then socialise into different types of culture, High culture, this culture is seen to have an intellectual or artistic feature towards it which has high value such as classical iusic, ballet, opera, fine art, polo, lacrosse, horse racing at Royal Ascott. There are distinct characteristics of high culture. High Culture is associated with the elites of society, the wealthy and educated people, to be in high culture you need a certain kind of education, such as Harvard or Oxford. They are intellectual and found in special places. The second is Popular culture, this is culture that is

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The building blocks of a tragic hero - 945 Words

Imperfection, manipulation and ignorance are the perfect ingredients for creating a tragic hero. A great example of a person displaying these traits would be no other than Othello, from William Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Othello†. Throughout the play, Othello is manipulated and as a result he becomes extremely jealous and angry with the ones he loves. Othello is easily manipulated by the conversations between Iago and himself. Othello’s tragedy is caused because of personal flaws, and misguided trust in others, which is evident as his dialect, and behaviours change throughout the play. Othello’s own flaws and insecurities; jealousy, rage, insecurities and misguided trust in others contribute to his tragic downfall. Othello begins to doubt his†¦show more content†¦In the end, Othello’s anger and mistrust, fuelled by Iago’s lies, leads to Othello’s tragic demise. Othello’s behaviour and dialect changes drastically throughout the play as a result of misguided trust in Iago. During the beginning of the play, Othello expresses his love for Desdemona. â€Å"I cannot speak enough of this content; / It stops me here; it is too much of joy. They kiss. And this, and this, the greatest discords be/ That e’er our hearts shall make.† (II.i.189-93) Othello is happy that he married Desdemona and he expresses his love openly for her. However, Othello’s behaviour changes as Iago’s influence causes him to become jealous and angry. â€Å"Hang her, I do but say what she is: so delicate with her needle, an admirable musician- O, she will sing the savageness out of bear- of so high and plenteous wit and invention-â€Å" (IV.i.183-86) Othello still feels love towards Desdemona but blinded by anger from false information, he allows himself to feel hatred and negative thoughts towards Desdemona, as seen in the change of his dial ect. As the play progresses, after Othello kills Desdemona, his attitude towards the situation changes drastically. â€Å"Of one that lov’d not wisely, but too well; Of one not easily jealous but, being wrought, Perplex’d in the extreme; of one whose hand, Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away.† (V.ii.340-43) Filled with guilt and remorseShow MoreRelatedLiviu Librescu: A Brief Biography840 Words   |  3 PagesThere have been many heroes who have impacted the world around us in many different ways. Some heroes have saved others from burning buildings or from crashes of airplanes or cars. One major hero in our society who had a significant impact was someone who saved twenty individual students’ lives during a large shooting. He was a professor at Virginia Tech at the time of when the shooting took place, and his name was Liviu Librescu. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Community Management & Organization Non for Profit Organizations

Question: Discuss about theCommunity Management Organizationfor Non for Profit Organizations. Answer: Introduction The Non- for-profit organizations are very important to every nation and society as they help to manage and enhance the quality of life of people. NFPs are present in the society in different forms and structures and provide different type of help to the society. They are of different size and forms whose main aim is to achieve the objectives of others. They try to help various facets of the community and deliver their supportive services related of life of the individuals, health, services related to social behavior, research, education, the environment of the country, support to the community, leadership, culture, religion, sports, recreation, and many more activities. They are legal in nature as government also helps such organizations in their promotions. These organizations are established by the special acts of the parliament and cooperative societies. In this study, we will study about the three Non- for-profit organizations of Australia that are The Council of the Ageing, The Youth Action Policy association and The Deaf Children Australia. These all organization collectively helping the people of Australia in smooth and ease in the living. This study will let us know about the similarities and differences in all the above mentioned Non- for-profit organizations. First of all, we know in a brief about the youth action policy association. It is one of the peak body organizations for the youth of Australia that provides services to the young groups over there. Solely, this organization represents 1.25 million of the youth of Australia who give their services to all over the country. Secondly, the deaf children Australia, is a type of charitable trust that support and he the deaf individuals of Australia by using free help lines from the hones calls. At last, the council of ageing delivers it leadership styles and policies to inform and educate the old age people of the Australia. It is situated in New South Wales and Australia. Differences Between the Three Non- for-Profit Organizations of Australia S. No. Basis The Council of the Ageing The Youth Action Policy Association The Deaf Children Australia 1 Year of Establishment 1956 1990 1860 2 Task performed by Non- for-profit organization It is an organization that works for the old age people of Australia by providing social and leadership policies to them. They also provide them information regarding their rights and liberties (Langholz, 2002). It is an organization that worked for the youth of Australia. They support and help the young people to face the peer pressure, rights of them, etc. (Uppal, 2016) It is an organization that gives charity to the deaf and hard of hearing individuals of Australia. They analyze the problems and in the optimum solution for them. 3 Programs initiated by the Non- for-profit organizations Leadership programs Social policy programs Information programs Education programs Development of policies an strategies Work of advocacy Sector support to the youth Supportive programs Grants Cool kids and cool parents program Help lines Sign to the employment 4 Located New south Wales, Australia Australia Australia 5 Functions Its functions are collaborated with the government of Australia with COTA NSW They are respondents to the political and social agendas. Give leadership and advocacy to them Collaboration of the issues that impact the youth Promotes positivity Building of capacity They use audiology and psychology for the treatment of the deaf people of Australia. Organizing functions of the families, like sports, games, outdoor activities, etc. Similarities Between the Three Non- for-Profit Organizations of Australia S. No. Basis The Council of the Ageing The Youth Action Policy Association The Deaf Children Australia 1 Location New south Wales, Australia Australia Australia 2 Type of orgnaistaion Non- for-profit organizations Non- for-profit organizations Non- for-profit organizations 3 Similar functions (Kowall, 2013) Responds to political agendas leadership and proactive advocacy to people Promotes positivity Enhancement of capacity Build capacity Responds to political agendas leadership and proactive advocacy to people Promotes positivity Enhancement of capacity Build capacity Its functions are almost similar to the before two Non- for-profit organizations (Tippet and Kluvers, 2009) 4 Aim and objective To provide a better life and healthy life to the people of Australia specially the aged people To provide a better life and healthy life to the people of Australia specially the deaf people To provide a better life and healthy life to the people of Australia specially the young people 5 Governance Partial by the communities and partially government Partial by the communities and partially government Partial by the communities and partially government A Summary of the Similarities and Differences of the three Non- for-Profit organizations of Australia If we talk about the above Non- for-profit organizations of Australia, then we can observe that they do not work for the profit earning motive or for some personalized gains and benefits for the specific people. Rather, they always work for the betterment of the people in groups. This can includes the members of the orgnaistaion, the people who are running these organizations and the friends and relatives related to the members of the orgnaistaion (Pratt et al., 2009). The Council of the Ageing, The Youth Action Policy Association and The Deaf Children Australia, all the three organisation would not include as NPOs if they work for their personal benefits and profits. Instead, the members have to genuinely perform the activities that are related to the welfare of the people of Australia. If we read from the above table than we can say that all the three organization are performing their duty and responsibility in a prominent manner as they are respondents to the political and social agendas, giving leadership and advocacy to them, collaboration of the issues that impact the youth, old age and disabled and promotes positivity. They are also helping in building of capacity of the people of Australia (Irvine, 2007). All of the Non- for-profit organizations of Australia provides different functions but yet similar somehow as the end motive of all is to provide welfare to the people of Australia. All the organizations major functions are positivity planning, promotion of safety and security, proactive delivery of protection and health to the people, etc. (Stehlik, 2002). Demonstration of the Effectiveness of Each of the three Non- for-Profit Organizations of Australia The Non- for-profit organizations of Australia, then we can observe that they do not work for the profit earning motive or for some personalized gains and benefits for the specific people. They try to help various facets of the community and deliver their supportive services related of life of the individuals, health, services related to social behavior, research, education, the environment of the country, support to the community, leadership, culture, religion, sports, recreation, and many more activities. They are legal in nature as government also helps such organizations in their promotions. These organizations are established by the special acts of the parliament and cooperative societies (Cordery, Baskerville and Porter, 2011). Effectiveness of the Non- for-profit organizations on the economy is that they help the people of the country to better living. This is recorded that the NPOs are developing a good amount for the government to perform the social and development activities in Australia. The figure that is fund is 3.8 % that is added to the gross value of the countrys income. This figure is much bigger than the gross value developed from other sector and organizations of the country (Hyder, 2016). The non-for-profit organizations is developing 40% jobs that are fixed in nature in which 36 % jobs are permanent part time and the other 24% are the casual employees. It helps to curb the unemployment form Australia. It provides elements like Philanthropy and giving of services to the Community of Australia. They have the feeling to give their money and volunteership to the citizen of Australia. In a research, it is found that more than 3.8 million people are providing their leadership o the people (Hrobjartsson, 2013). Conclusion In this study we learnt, a deep knowledge and experience about the non for profit organizations to provide the learners a mine of knowledge and information regarding these organizations. The management without the involvement of money and profits is one of the most powerful tasks to perform for the nonprofit organizations of Australia. A successful delivery of activities and services needs learning and theories that is studies by the NPOs. The community sectors and the non-for-profit organizations of Australia are providing a huge amount of support to the people of Australia. They are delivering health, education, religion, social welfare, hospitals, universities, services related to communities, sports club, religious groups, baby care center, day care centers, environmental groups, trainings for jobs, counseling for the families, and many more. In this study there is brief description on the three communities of Australia that is working for the welfare of the same. We know that working with non-for-profit organizations is not an easy task as there are many challenges lies with the m like leadership challenges, governances, planning as a strategy, performance related to the operations, changed management, solutions to the complex problems, etc. there is no single role and resource that could lead a non profit organization for its success. It is one of the most demanding and governing role required by the non profit organizations. It is not easy to manage an orgnaistaion without any profits and money involvement. These organizations have to face many big challenges to settle and work for the others. References Austin, D 2002, Human services management: organizational leadership in social work practice, Columbia University, New York, NY. Cordery, C., Baskerville, R. and Porter, B. (2011). Not Reporting a Profit: Constructing a Non profit Organisation. Financial Accountability Management, 27(4), pp.363-384. Edwards, R Yankey, J 2006, Effectively managing nonprofit organizations, NASW Press, Washington. Hudson, M 2009, Managing without profit: leadership, management and governance in third sector organizations in Australia,UNSW Press, Sydney. Hrobjartsson, A. (2013). Why did it take 19 months to retrieve clinical trial data from a non-profit organisation?. BMJ, 347(dec02 3), pp.f6927-f6927. Hyder, A. (2016). Market orientation in a non-profit organisation. WREMSD, 12(4), p.414. Irvine, H. (2007). Corporate Creep: An Institutional View Of Consultancies in a Non-Profit Organisation. Australian Accounting Review, 17(43), pp.13-25. Kowall, N. (2013). Die Volkswirtschaft ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation. Indes, 2(1), pp.30-38. Langholz, J. (2002). How Industry, Academia, and a Non-Profit Organisation Plan to Create Cash and Conserve Species. Corporate Environmental Strategy, 9(2), pp.145-154. Pratt, J., Yakabov, R., Glinski, R. and Hauser, K. (2009). Non-Profit Organisation websites and fundraising. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 6(1), p.55. Stehlik, D. (2002). Book Review: Third Sector. The Contribution of Non Profit and Cooperative Enterprises in Australia. Journal of Sociology, 38(3), pp.313-314. Tippet, J. and Kluvers, R. (2009). Employee Rewards and Motivation in Non Profit Organisations: Case Study from Australia. IJBM, 4(3). Uppal, N. (2016). A study of culture in a non-profit organisation in India: organisational development and change. J. for Global Business Advancement, 9(3), p.215.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Byod Pro’s and Con’s Essay Sample free essay sample

Bring Your Own device is a concern policy of employees conveying personally owned nomadic devices to work and utilizing those devices to entree privileged company resources like electronic mail. file waiters and databases every bit good as personal applications and informations. The types of devices that employees may utilize are smart cell phones and laptops. The world is that there is no simple solution when it comes to modulating BYOD. Every organisation is different and there are figure of different factors that have to be taken into consideration. First a company will hold to make up ones mind which employees will be allowed entree. every bit good as the types of devices they are traveling to back up. â€Å"Forrester Research reported in July of 2011 that about 60 per centum of companies allow employees to utilize personal devices for work. â€Å"Bring Your Own Device ( BYOD ) † policies allow employees maximal pick and flexibleness but raise new challenges in keeping the personal privateness of the user. managing and procuring valuable corporate information assets. and supplying IT with an unpredictable and inconsistent nomadic environment. There are besides nomadic engineering considerations. while nomadic devices are exceling Personal computers and laptops as a user’s primary calculating platform. they do hold limited entree to power. web and hardware resources. Inventing a BYOD solution that will back up both personal and concern functions requires attending to all of these challenges† . The paper will be to place most of the hazards associated with companies leting personal devices in the work topographic point to entree company information. I will besides show the downside of the BYOD policy and the affects to the company and the employee. There are legion hazards associated with the BYOD policy many of them are security related the loss or larceny of a nomadic phone could take to confidential informations being stolen and break of services this could ache the company lawfully every bit good as financially. Data is ascertainable means the device and the information in the personally owned device are capable to judicial proceeding and the user has no right to privateness. The device and the information can be examined by the employer and used in a judicial proceeding case. The responsibility to continue and unwrap electronically stored information is normally initiated by a judicial order. a find petition. or cognition of a pending or future legal preceding that is likely to necessitate deriving entree to the electronically stored information. Determining what information is required for the affair. and so happening that data’s location across webs and archives is a immense challenge for legal and Information Tec hnology sections. particularly if pro-active planning is incorporated. The range of informations to be preserved or disclosed is determined by the capable affair of the difference. and the jurisprudence and procedural regulations that a tribunal or other authorization will finally use to decide the difference. In general. all information is potentially ascertainable if it is relevant to the disputed dealing. Failure to continue or unwrap ascertainable informations may ensue in serious punishments. Employees need to be made cognizant that there is no privateness policy and the information may be used in judicial proceeding. Litigation expensive. when an employer allows multiple devices to be used this drives up the cost of attorney fees when judicial proceeding is necessary. If there is a information breach an insurance company may non cover the claim if the BYOD plan is non involved in the policy it may be merely for corporate devices and non personal 1s. Covering with a information breach is expensive and clip consuming if found guilty the attorneies f ee and punishments can single-foot up a immense measure. Loss of personal files. employees need to be made cognizant that personal information may be lost and the company may non be responsible. When your personal smart phone. laptop or tablet is used for work related activities. such as entree to corporate electronic mail. calendar or corporate directory. there is a good opportunity that your company relies on built in characteristics and extra package tools to procure and pull off the information in the device†¦ As a first line of defence. many organisations enforce ActiveSync policies. preinstalled in most consumer Mobile devices. to implement watchword protection and remote rub and lock. More sophisticated IT departments may bespeak the installing of extra nomadic device direction package agents to widen corporate IT reach into any application and functionality of your device. While security and manageableness are legitimate concerns for the company. most BYOD plans rely on IT tools that don’t make a clear separation between personal and corporate informations and applications. As a consequence. in instance of unauthorised entree a existent or presumed state of affairs the whole content of the device is more or less likely to be deleted and the device will be unserviceable. In respects to privateness. from a legal point of view the fact that the employee owns the device holds no bearing in the event of judicial proceeding. As mentioned earlier sing find. the tribunal may necessitate forensic reappraisal of all devices in connexion with the judicial proceeding. An employee take parting in a company’s BYOD plan may be asked to bring forth their personal devices for a 3rd party scrutiny. The employee will hold to do any personal information stored in the device accessible. This besides includes the history of web sites visited ; vocals and films download and played transcripts of fiscal minutess and statements every bit good as personal contacts. All electronic mail and phone call every bit good as societal networking activity is besides capable to seek. This extends to the personal information of any other household member or 3rd party who may portion the usage of the device. Personal informations stored is non the merely privateness concern for the employee. location and on-line activity may be exposed to the employer every bit good. A chief characteristic of nomadic device direction package is the ability to track in existent clip the location of the device. The characteristic is designed to assist find whether a device is lost or stolen before a distant lock or rub is accessed. It can besides be used to selectively disable camera and mike when a device enters into a restricted company country to forestall sensitive informations loss. Although non intended for this usage. the IT section may be able to track your whereabouts anyplace and anytime and the employee may non be cognizant of it. In add-on when a personal device is connected to the corporate wireless local area network web. there is a possibility online activity is being monitored and filtered to follow with ordinances and to protect the company from liability from improper usage. *Enterasys study Feb 2012Are Mobile Devices Risky Business? â€Å"Among Motorola’s cardinal findings: 2 out 3 people realize that the duty falls on them. instead than the IT section. to maintain nomadic informations private and secure. 73 % of respondents said they are concerned about smart phone security ; in fact. a one-fourth of them would instead portion a toothbrush than their phone. The study besides found that people: * Store sensitive informations on phones: 34 % shop sensitive informations such as their bank history information or work electronic mail watchwords on their phones * â€Å"Work around† company nomadic policy: 55 % admit they’ve sent work electronic mail or paperss to their personal electronic mail histories on their phones * Chose convenience: 48 % have used their devices to log into an unsecure radio web * Just aren’t that worried: 77 % can call at least one thing they’re more familiar with than their company’s IT security policies ( 67 % recognition card footings. 57 % wellness insurance policy. and even 33 % are more familiar with their place contraption manuals ) † Future Benefits of BYOD BYOD is here to remain and companies need a program. in add-on to fixing for the possible hazard of BYOD and pull offing the integrating. The CIO must measure what opportunities does this policy nowadays and determine if it is clip to switch cogwheels to application scheme. reexamine the organization’s ends. and strategize how applications can assist accomplish them. In today’s market place. processes occur at a faster gait than in the yesteryear. the practical work force is increasing. and competition is ever seeking to remain in front. Efficient nomadic applications can travel informations closer to the beginning. which improves gross revenues describing. streamlines procedures and blessings. and provides on-the-go-data to identify users. Integrating a nomadic application scheme creates new ways to work. and allows redundancy and flexibleness that concerns can number on during unfavourable conditions. catastrophes or other breaks. This continuity is critical whether a n organization’s remote work force is in a place office. at a client site. or on a battleground. nomadic applications can be the cardinal component. Enabling determinations with accurate informations is indispensable. and indecisiveness or deficiency of information is give uping competitory advantage to your equals. An article written by Courbanou reported that Dell and Intel released findings from the concluding stage of a multiyear research attempt took feedback from 8. 360 workers world-wide and 20 nine interviews with planetary experts and senior concern leaders indicate that conveying your ain device enterprises and workplace flexibleness as a manner to bring forth extra employer productiveness and trueness. ( Courbanou. July 2012 ) . Another benefit to BYOD is cost nest eggs. by leting the usage of personal devices and promoting employees to pay for their ain devices and informations programs as a status of usage. there will be significant cost nest eggs. The nest eggs come by manner reduced hardware and package outgos. and a alleviation in support costs. Harmonizing to a recent Microsoft study. 53 % of organisations reacting â€Å"officially† allow BYOD. with 20 % supplying some fiscal subsidy to team members and 33 % supplying no subsidy. as shown below in the graph. Recommendations for a solution to some of the negative issues associated with the BYOD plan would be to hold a strong company policy. The followers is a list of countries that should be addressed: The policy should be able to back up assorted platforms there are many devices that use different runing systems and they should besides include societal networking platforms. The employer should maintain path of what devices are being used and the applications. these two points should be tested. If budget allows the company should make an application shop for the employee to download. nevertheless package licensing will hold to be addressed. Access control is highly of import user watchwords should be issued and controlled. there could be employee entree cards distributed and in the hereafter biometries could be introduced. Awareness. educate employees on how to responsibly protect their device and usage company informations. Employees who understand the hazards and the effects are less li kely to mishandle information. Security package is of import in the event a phone is lost or stolen. Possibly to even end entree. Employees should be made cognizant that their device is capable to be locked or wiped. Email security is besides of import because it is on a regular basis used so package to protect electronic mail messages is indispensable. Out sourcing is an option if the IT section staff can non manage all undertakings involved. perchance utilizing cloud if executable. Continuous spots and updates to maintain up with newer versions of package used. Out sourcing IT direction is a feasible option if the budget will let. This will relieve some of the force per unit area on the IT squad. besides maintaining with operating systems and new engineering is unreassuring. Security wise unless IT safe is wholly trained to do of import determinations sing the web and legal determinations sing lockup and pass overing devices. this should be done by an expert. Monitoring of device use and applications can besides go a undertaking along with proficient support like altering watchwords and upgrading applications. so it might be in accompanies best involvement to reassign the liability and hazard to person else at a cost. Careful rating and research should be done before taking a company and application. the CIO doesn’t have to worry about Mobile Device Management direct becomes the out beginnings job to supply capablenesss and services based on altering demands. Below is a sample of services offered for direction of a BYOD policy? Enterprise Device Management from Smith Micro offers companies of all sizes an easy. unafraid solution for authorising their Mobile workforce—from one cardinal console. Multi-OS Device Management †¢ Central. web-based console across major runing systems†¢ Device constellation†¢ Inventory direction†¢ Pass codification enforcement†¢ Remotely locate. lock. and wipe devices Security Management †¢ Remotely locate. lock. and wipe devices Administration †¢ Over-the-air constellation†¢ Role-based entree†¢ Group-based actions†¢ Device information entree Enterprise Integration †¢ Rich web services APIs†¢ Directory services LDAP†¢ Manage security certifications Application Management †¢ Inventory direction†¢ Publication direction†¢ Installing. uninstalling. updating Self-service Management †¢ Self-registration†¢ Remotely locate. lock. and wipe devices Supported Platforms †¢ Android ®Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Apple ions ®Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Symbian ®Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Windows ® Phone 7*†¢ BlackBerry ®*†¢ webOS ®** Planned in roadmap In decision the Bring Your Device to work plan is going popular by default. because so many employees use and rely on nomadic devices companies are being forced to turn to the issue and do a determination. Although there are legion hazard as described earlier in this paper it seems that many companies are willing to take the hazard if they can increase productiveness. to hold employees continue to work long after the company has closed for the twenty-four hours is a benefit and increased productiveness means more gross revenues and the terminal consequence is Prophetss and the competitory border over equals. Plants Cited The BYOD Conundrum. † Web log station. SecurityInfoWatch. com. N. p. . n. d. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. Benigno. Richard. â€Å"10 Tips for Implementing BYOD Securely. † N. p. . 08 Sept. 2012. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. Berkowitz. Philip. â€Å"Corporate Counsel. † Corporate Counsel. N. p. . 26 July 2012. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. Messmer. Ellen. â€Å"BYOD-resistance Loosening but Security Practices Lacking. †Consumerization of IT. BYOD. N. p. . 25 Oct. 2012. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. Savitz. Eric. â€Å"Developing A BYOD Scheme: The 5 Mistakes To Avoid. † Forbes. Forbes Magazine. 27 Mar. 2012. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. Courbanou. Dave. â€Å"Dell. Intel: BYOD Is Productivity Powerhouse | Channelnomics. †Channelnomics RSS. N. p. . n. d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dickinson, Emily Two Poems Essays - American Christians,

Dickinson, Emily Two Poems Two Poems. Two Ideas. One Author Two of Emily Dickinson's poems, "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" and "I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died," are both about one of life's few certainties: death. However, that is where the similarities end. Although both poems were created less than a year apart by the same poet, their ideas about what lies after death differ. In one, there appears to be life after death, but in the other there is nothing. Only a number of clues in each piece help us determine which poem believes in what. In the piece, "Because I Could Not Stop For Death," we are being told the tale of a woman who is being taken away by Death. This is our first indication that this poem believes in an afterlife. In most religions, where there is a grim reaper like specter, this entity will deliver a person's soul to another place, usually a heaven or a hell. In the fifth stanza, Death and the woman pause before "...a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground- The Roof was scarcely visible- The Cornice in the Ground-" (913). Although the poem does not directly say it, it is highly probable that this grave is the woman's own. It is also possible the woman's body already rests beneath the soil in a casket. If this is at all accurate, then her spirit or soul may be the one who is looking at the "house." Spirits and souls usually mean there is an afterlife involved. It isn't until the sixth and final stanza where the audience obtains conclusive evidence that "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" believes in an afterlife. The woman recalls how it has been "...Centuries- and yet feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses' Heads were toward Eternity-" (913). To the woman, it has been a few hundred years since Death visited her, but to her, it has felt like less than 24 hours. Since the body cannot live on for hundreds of years, then it must be none other then the soul who has come to the realization that so much time has passed. The final part with the horses refers to the horse drawn carriage the woman was riding in when she passed away. In those two final lines, the horses seem to be leading her into Eternity, possibly into an afterlife. It is just the exact opposite is Dickinson's other poem, "I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died," With this particular piece of literature, the clues which point to the disbelief in an afterlife are fewer and not as blatant, but are all still present. In this poem, a woman is lying in bed with her family standing all around waiting for her eventual death. While the family is waiting for her to pass on, she herself is waiting for "...the King..." (914). No, we're not talking about Elvis, but instead this King is some sort of omnipotent being, a god. Later as the woman dies, her eyes (or windows as they are referred to in the poem) fail, then she "...could not see to see-" (914). When she says this, what she seems to mean is she could not see any of the afterlife or Kings she expected to be there. The woman's soul drifted off into nothingness with no afterlife to travel to. To conclude, the beliefs of the two Dickinson poems in regards to life after death differ significantly. In one, life does exist, in the other it does not. To determine which poem believes in what, one must dig through the clues in each.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on African Women, Women Of The Third World,

Guinea West Africa obtained it’s Independence in 1958, as a consequence of its rejection on de Gaulle’s proposed new constitution. A socialist republic was immediately declared. The current Guinea government is now based on a constitution that was adopted in 1990 and went into effect in 1991. The new constitution established Guinea as a republic (Guinea, 1). This choice was to have important repercussions for the Guinean masses, imposing gigantic pressures on them. However, what happened to the Guinean woman? Where did she stand in the new order? Guinea was and is in a state of evolution, while still bearing the deep imprint of its cultural past. Ancestral values die-hard. In addition, in certain places and some circles they hold sway. However, it must be emphasized that Guinea is one of the countries that included the integration of women it its political program. It is one of the first states to promote a policy of integration and emancipation of women. When it was necessary to oppose the reactionary forces which sought to keep Guinea under colonial domination, â€Å"the women of Guinea armed themselves and took their place in the forefront of the fight against the enemy† (Cabral, 55). For example the heroic M’Ballia Camara, who was assassinated on February 9, 1955, and disemboweled while she was carrying the child of the colonials’ puppet of that period, David Sylla (Cabral, 55). The date of her death is celebrated as the National Day of Guinean Women. Guinea also has the highest rate of female participation in government of any African state. By way of comparison, in 1997 Algeria had eight women deputies out of a total of 261 while Guinea 22 of its 72 deputies were women (World Bank Atlas). Similarly, a woman, Mme. Malfory Bangoura, who had never attended a French school, was appointed Minster for Social Affairs and leader of the women’s section of the PDG (Parti Democratique de Guinee) (World Ba... Free Essays on African Women, Women Of The Third World, Free Essays on African Women, Women Of The Third World, Guinea West Africa obtained it’s Independence in 1958, as a consequence of its rejection on de Gaulle’s proposed new constitution. A socialist republic was immediately declared. The current Guinea government is now based on a constitution that was adopted in 1990 and went into effect in 1991. The new constitution established Guinea as a republic (Guinea, 1). This choice was to have important repercussions for the Guinean masses, imposing gigantic pressures on them. However, what happened to the Guinean woman? Where did she stand in the new order? Guinea was and is in a state of evolution, while still bearing the deep imprint of its cultural past. Ancestral values die-hard. In addition, in certain places and some circles they hold sway. However, it must be emphasized that Guinea is one of the countries that included the integration of women it its political program. It is one of the first states to promote a policy of integration and emancipation of women. When it was necessary to oppose the reactionary forces which sought to keep Guinea under colonial domination, â€Å"the women of Guinea armed themselves and took their place in the forefront of the fight against the enemy† (Cabral, 55). For example the heroic M’Ballia Camara, who was assassinated on February 9, 1955, and disemboweled while she was carrying the child of the colonials’ puppet of that period, David Sylla (Cabral, 55). The date of her death is celebrated as the National Day of Guinean Women. Guinea also has the highest rate of female participation in government of any African state. By way of comparison, in 1997 Algeria had eight women deputies out of a total of 261 while Guinea 22 of its 72 deputies were women (World Bank Atlas). Similarly, a woman, Mme. Malfory Bangoura, who had never attended a French school, was appointed Minster for Social Affairs and leader of the women’s section of the PDG (Parti Democratique de Guinee) (World Ba...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Racism by culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Racism by culture - Research Paper Example What is this survived "dinosaur" of the last eras called racism? The given work will explain the essence of the modern racism and prove that the roots of racist ideas are in the educational and cultural environment a person is brought up in. Racism is the set of views, based on the ideas of physical and intellectual inequality of human races and of the decisive influence of racial distinctions on history and culture. There is also a little broader definition of racism that can be found in encyclopedias, which state that racial signs impose decisive influence on abilities, intelligence, moral and behavioral features and traits of people’ s character (Flanagan et al 515). Racism includes the ideas about initial division of people into the highest and the lowest races, the first of which are the founders of the civilization, thus they want and should dominate over the second. â€Å"Racism is the overarching societal paradigm that tolerates, accepts, and reinforces racial inequalities, and is associated with racially unequal opportunities for children to learn and thrive. Racial inequalities result in the discriminatory treatment of people of minority status. For instance, individuals from historically marginalized racial groups may be perceived as less worthy or less intelligent than those from the majority culture. At the same time, children or communities from the majority culture are allowed to maintain their established privileged and valued status. This privilege can result in better treatment and opportunities than are afforded to others within educational systems and other social institutions. The presence of racism in educational settings harms everyone, but has the most negative and lasting impact on racial minority groups† (Racism, prejudice, and discrimination).The implementation of racist theories in practice