Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Role Of Socialization And Its Effects On Society

Societies are glued together by people sharing core values and beliefs and behavioural patterns. Without some form of agreement between one another in society there would be social chaos. For example if someone was to come up to you in the street and kiss you, you would be shocked and maybe scared. This is why society needs people to behave predictably so that we can contain some kind of social order. Socialisation is the passing on of culture from person to person. It is a process in which people turn into members of a social culture by teaching them norms and values and language, knowledge and customs. There are two agents of socialisation, Primary socialisation is where your parents teach you the norms and values you need to live in a†¦show more content†¦Peer groups, are of very similar social status and socialises individuals into deviance or conforming. Different youth subcultures sometimes encourage deviant behaviour upon other individuals. Religion also conforms peop le to society as they oppose to theft and murder and teaches respect to their elders and also follows the ruling class system as you listen to those with a higher status than you. Mass media, this is a really powerful social agent as it is powerful in shaping norms and values, some sociologists believe that mass media has over taken religion in being the main secondary socialisation agent due to its powerful abilities to change people s views on things such as weight and the way women are portrayed. After all this socialisation we then socialise into different types of culture, High culture, this culture is seen to have an intellectual or artistic feature towards it which has high value such as classical iusic, ballet, opera, fine art, polo, lacrosse, horse racing at Royal Ascott. There are distinct characteristics of high culture. High Culture is associated with the elites of society, the wealthy and educated people, to be in high culture you need a certain kind of education, such as Harvard or Oxford. They are intellectual and found in special places. The second is Popular culture, this is culture that is

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