Saturday, December 21, 2019

The building blocks of a tragic hero - 945 Words

Imperfection, manipulation and ignorance are the perfect ingredients for creating a tragic hero. A great example of a person displaying these traits would be no other than Othello, from William Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Othello†. Throughout the play, Othello is manipulated and as a result he becomes extremely jealous and angry with the ones he loves. Othello is easily manipulated by the conversations between Iago and himself. Othello’s tragedy is caused because of personal flaws, and misguided trust in others, which is evident as his dialect, and behaviours change throughout the play. Othello’s own flaws and insecurities; jealousy, rage, insecurities and misguided trust in others contribute to his tragic downfall. Othello begins to doubt his†¦show more content†¦In the end, Othello’s anger and mistrust, fuelled by Iago’s lies, leads to Othello’s tragic demise. Othello’s behaviour and dialect changes drastically throughout the play as a result of misguided trust in Iago. During the beginning of the play, Othello expresses his love for Desdemona. â€Å"I cannot speak enough of this content; / It stops me here; it is too much of joy. They kiss. And this, and this, the greatest discords be/ That e’er our hearts shall make.† (II.i.189-93) Othello is happy that he married Desdemona and he expresses his love openly for her. However, Othello’s behaviour changes as Iago’s influence causes him to become jealous and angry. â€Å"Hang her, I do but say what she is: so delicate with her needle, an admirable musician- O, she will sing the savageness out of bear- of so high and plenteous wit and invention-â€Å" (IV.i.183-86) Othello still feels love towards Desdemona but blinded by anger from false information, he allows himself to feel hatred and negative thoughts towards Desdemona, as seen in the change of his dial ect. 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